We thought you should know

Clalit Mushlam Platinum

  • Subscription will be updated in the Clalit system within 72 hours. Customer card and service book, including the Plan’s Regulations will be sent to each new subscriber’s address within 14 business days.


  • The first charge by the Clalit systems may be higher than normal since it includes relative payment for the period from the joining until the set monthly payment date.


  • Clalit Mushlam Platinum members are entitled to all services in the Clalit  Mushlam Gold Plan.


  • Entitlement to the Plan’s health services is conditioned by a period of qualification (accumulative seniority in the Plan) of 3-24 months. Examples of qualification periods are listed herein.


  • The qualification period in the Clalit Mushlam Plans upon transferring clients to Clalit from another HMO will be determined based on confirmation of seniority and the client’s coverages in the previous HMO, which will be furnished to Clalit


  • Monthly payment rates vary according to age groups and are linked to the CPI.


  • As Clalit Mushlam members, you will receive periodic updates regarding services and entitlement in the Clalit Mushlam Health Plan, via email or text messages. If you would like to discontinue this service, you can do so at any time via our call center at *2700.


  • Please note that the Regulations, including any updates thereof from time to time, constitutes a conclusive and binding instrument regarding the terms of each plan. You can also view the Regulations on the Clalit Mushlam website.


  • The Plans’ terms are subject to the approval and instructions of the Ministry of Health as they may be from time to time. Any changes required by the Ministry of Health will apply retroactively.


Any questions regarding Clalit Mushlam Gold or Clalit Mushlam Platinum can be referred to the Clalit Mushlam website or the call center at *2700.

Dental care in Clalit Smile Clinics




Platinum members enjoy a lifetime of dental care! Platinum members aged 16-18, with 3 months’ seniority are entitled to free preserving dental care, including cavities, extractions, root canals, dental sealants and more. Platinum members over the age of 18 are entitled to preserving dental care at a 80% discount after accumulating 6 months’ seniority. Platinum members under the age of 18 are entitled to orthodontics treatments at a 60% discount, and over the age of 18 at a 50% discount after accumulating 12 months’ seniority. All Platinum members are entitled to prosthetic dental treatments at a 50% discount, which include: bridges, crowns, implants, dentures and more, after accumulating 12 months’ seniority.


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Private Operations in Israel




Platinum members wishing to undergo an operation in Israel, which is included in the list of operations in the Clalit Mushlam agreement, will pay especially low deductibles after accumulating 12 months’ seniority.  A medical operation in a private hospital by a private surgeon listed in the agreement will have very low deductibles, starting at 300 ILS up to a maximum of 2,000 ILS, apart from exceptional operations, where deductibles will be higher. Pre-surgery consultation will be given by the surgeon as part of the plan’s “Consultations with Expert Specialist Physician” service.


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Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Treatments




Platinum members, who wish to undergo plastic surgical or aesthetic procedures included in the plan, will pay especially low deductibles. Discount is given on site, in one of the Clalit Aesthetic clinics, and the Proportion chain. This service can be realized after accumulating 12 months ’seniority.


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